Ok, I have a lot going on in my head lately. From raising chickens to a little business that I have had stuck in my head since I had Brady but never voiced because with 3 young kids I knew it was impossible to make it happen. Now that Chase is not a newborn anymore I seem to have a tad more time on my hands. Actually, I probably don't but my mind thinks I can take on more. I swear my mind rarely shuts off! I'm talking to a few people about my little business idea but I'm not going to type it all out right now because it's late and I want to get some sleep. No worries though, eventually I will. I just need to investigate more. My biggest concern would be A) the obvious...would it succeed and B) since there are other businesses like it how could I make it succeed and make a profit? Anyway, Dan seems to find my idea interesting and those that know me well will see that it fits me. Really I see it as a side business that I think would be fun and good for the environment, it also fits in with the little bit of crunchiness that I have in me! I'd still continue with recruiting because that is a guaranteed paycheck and I enjoy it(the money and the job that is, well ok the job I enjoy most of the time ;) ).
Let's discuss my slight crunchiness. It started with cloth diapers. I remember telling Dan that I was going to cloth diaper Brady. You should have seen how he looked at me. I'll never forget the look. It was as if he didn't have a clue as to who I was or who he married and had been with for 12+ years. He was completely disgusted by the entire idea. I explained how it all worked, that it was so much better for the environment and that it wasn't hard to do. In the end his response was "this is your thing" and he started calling me crunchy and asked if I was going to start wearing Birkenstocks(BTW..no I wasn't taking it that far). Eventually he dealt with the peed on cloth diapers but he never did deal with the rest! If Dan had Brady and I wasn't around we would stick to disposables but if I was around I'd do cloth. I figured some cloth was better than none. Then I got pregnant with Chase and all cloth diapering bets were off. I just couldn't deal with it without gagging loud enough for the world to hear for 3 months straight. So, I quit the cloth diapers...bad me! Now they are going to slowly work their way back into the picture part time again on Chase. I've even used them again on Brady lately and believe they are really helpful in terms of potty training him. You just can't feel when you are wet in a disposable one as well as you can in a cloth one.
Anyway, onto chickens, Dan jokes that I am white trash for wanting to raise them. In all reality he knows I'm not. He knows I don't make spur of the moment decisions and I am not a super spontaneous person. He knows I fully research and educate myself on all things new. He knows that when I was little I spent my summers back east at the mill which was practically a small farm. I've helped raise chickens before, I've milked goats and had fresh goat milk, cheese and yogurt. I fed our ducks and geese, and helped take care of the sheep. I had dogs and cats and to this day ride horses. I love animals. I also am madly in love with my kids. I buy a lot of organic stuff...eggs, milk and the occasional organic meat(that breaks my bank though so it doesn't happen as often as I like). I hit up the farmers market often from spring-fall and finally the last couple years we have planted our own little fruit and veggie garden with Celine and Kindra. I like growing my own stuff. I like that our kids like it and I love watching them taste all the things we grow. I also like knowing that it's not sprayed with all sorts of crap! So, my point is why not raise a couple hens that produce fresh organic, yummy eggs? I see it as a fun little teaching/learning experience for my kids and my guess is if and when we do it Dan will be running out there daily to check for eggs right along with the kids! In the end, I know they will love it and I know he secretly loves the little bit of crunchiness I have in me!